Monday, January 18, 2010


So this morning I ran again. I ran for about 1 hour. Things started off slowly but I went to a yoga intensive this weekend and my body feels like it belongs to someone else. I'm not really sore but I'm aware that things have shifted and may not work the way they did on Friday.

I haven't gotten back into my full routine and strength work has been noticeably absent from my training recently. Largely because I knew how intense the yoga workshop would be physically. At any rate my run went better than I expected. Most of the aches and pains and "complaints" my body gave me last week while running have disappeared.

The run was over varied terrain, rocks and mud, some grass (on the golf course), some asphalt and a bit of concrete. There was a good bit of climbing as there were a few hills on this route, both off road and on. While I was out, I was thinking about all the things I've been learning over the past year about foot strike, running from my core and brining the ground up to meet my feet. This is probably the first run I can remember feeling so good. It was just fun to move. And I was running without my heart rate monitor speeding up and slowing down as I liked.

I was thinking of replacing my old Polar with a Garmin this year, but I may take my training tools in the same direction I've been taking my running shoes and run/train more by feel this year. I'm not a hundred percent on this yet but I am seriously considering it. I'll write more about this and my reasoning later. For now just want to go make some juice and maybe a bike ride before teaching yoga tonight.


Mark said...

Congratulations on what sounds like a run I wish I could have accompanied you on. A bit too cold for a trail run right now in western NY, but come spring, I will get nice and muddy.

I think you have to listen to what your body is telling you to do. If you feel like bagging that heart rate monitor because you feel too much like a lab rat, then toss it, or subtract it from your running for a while and see what gains/changes take place. Look forward to hearing what direction you take it. Good luck and happy training!

Fred (aka ace) said...

Thanks for the feedback Mark. I've been thinking more and more about ditching it. It is helpful when wanting to make sure I'm going slowly enough in these early stages of training but later on when I want to do some more intensity, it can be a limiter. We'll see. I want to focus more on technique and my experience of running this year. I probably will still use it on the bike though.

Hope spring comes quickly for you. Happy training.

Marcos Apene do Amaral said...

Loved the description at the verbal storm blog! I do love cooking (that I an doing right now), tri's (of course) and basketball (just because my only idol in life, as I like to say, is Michael Jordan)! Pretty good to have you as a follower! Hope you can keep in touch, read (even if translating with the google tool) and if you do have something to add, leave a comment! My pleasure, cheers, Marcos