Friday, November 2, 2007

Serious to the Core

OK. So I thought Tony Horton was evil incarnate when he put together the Ab RipperX routine and included it in P90X. Now, I'm sure he is just a disciple. This is serious core work. And honestly I wouldn't try this at home (or anywhere else for that matter) without the supervision of a trained professional on hand. Still seeing is believing...

And here is a link for the article that describes the movements in the video.


Chuckie V said...

Ace, nice site! I've posted a link to your blog from mine. I hope you don't mind 'cause it's a done deal now!

BRFOOT said...

Good stuff, the ab guy must be a gymnast. Defintitly something to said about a strong core.

Anonymous said...

Josh is the gymnast, I'm (Jason) not. He's the little blond one, we basically found out that a bit of core here and there makes everything stronger.